Carin Gerhardsen
Conny Sjöberg, a police detective in the Hammarby police station in Stockholm, Sweden:

Pepparkakshuset (2008)
The Gingerbread House [2012]

Mamma, pappa, barn (2009) [Mom, Dad, Kids]
Cinderella Girl [2014]

Vyssan lull (2010)
The Last Lullaby [2015]

Helgonet (2011) [The Saint]

Gideons ring (2012) [Gideon’s Ring]

Hennes iskalla ögon (2013) [Her Ice Cold Eyes]

Tjockare än vatten (2014) [Thicker than Water]

Falleri, fallera, falleralla (2015) [Fail, Fall All]


Black Ice [2021]



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