Candace Robb
Owen Archer, a spy for the Archbishop, in medieval Wales:

The Apothecary Rose (1993)

The Lady Chapel (1994)

The Nun's Tale (1995)

The King's Bishop (1996)

The Riddle of St. Leonard’s (1997)

A Gift of Sanctuary (1998)

A Spy for the Redeemer (2002)

The Cross-Legged Knight (2003)

The Guilt of Innocents (2007)

A Vigil of Spies (2008)

A Conspiracy of Wolves (2019)

A Choir of Crows (2020)

The Riverwoman’s Dragon (2021)

Dame Margaret Kerr, in 13th century Scotland:

A Trust Betrayed (2000)

The Fire in the Flint (2003)

A Cruel Courtship (2004)

Kate Clifford, a widow running a guesthouse in late 14th century York, England:

The Service of the Dead (2016)

A Twisted Vengeance (2017)

A Murdered Peace (2018)

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