Trevor Scott
Scott Schmidt
Jake Adams, a former Air Force intelligence and CIA officer, taking care of business in Europe and elsewhere:

Fatal Network (1998)

Extreme Faction (1999)

The Dolomite Solution (2000)

Vital Force (2006)

Rise of the Order (2007)

The Cold Edge (2008)

Tony Caruso, a private investigator working out of his home-office in an old Ford pickup, with his German-trained bomb-sniffing dog Panzer, a Giant Schnauzer, in Bend, Oregon:

Boom Town (2006)

Burst of Sound (2008)

Chad Hunter and Frank Baldwin, weapons experts, in the Hypershot thrillers:

Hypershot (2001)

Global Shot (2007)


The Company of Thieves (1995)

Strong Conviction (2002)

Drifting Back (2010)

Other fiction:

The Dawn of Midnight (2003)


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