Pierre Audemars
Hercule Renard, a railway worker in 1930s Paris and elsewhere in France:

Hercule and the Gods (1944)

The Temptations of Hercule (1945)

When the Gods Laughed (1946)

The Obligations of Hercule (1947)

The Confessions of Hercule1 (1947)

Monsieur Pinaud, an inspector in the Sûreté, a conscientious family man, and the greatest detective in France:

The Confessions of Hercule2 (1947)

The Two Impostors (1958)

The Fire and the Clay (1959)

The Turns of Time (1961)

The Crown of Night (1962)

The Dream and the Dead (1963)

The Wings of Darkness (1963)
APA: The Street of Grass (1963)

Fair Maids Missing (1964)

Dead with Sorrow (1965)
APA: A Woven Web (1965)

The Time of Temptation (1966)

A Thorn in the Dust (1967)

The Veins of Compassion (1967)

The White Leaves Of Death (1968)

The Flame in the Mist (1969)

A Host for Dying (1970)

Stolen Like Magic Away (1971)

The Delicate Dust of Death (1973)

No Tears for the Dead (1974)

Nightmare in Rust (1975)

And One for the Dead (1975)

The Healing Hands of Death (1977)

Now Dead Is Any Man (1978)

A Sad and Savage Dying (1978)

Slay Me a Sinner (1979)

Gone to Her Death (1981)

The Bitter Path of Death (1982)

The Red Rust of Death (1983)

A Small Slain Body (1985)


Fate and Fernand (1945) [SS]

The Thieves of Enchantment (1956)

Other fiction:

Night Without Darkness (1936)

Wrath of the Valley (1947)
[written as Peter Hodemart]

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