John Bingham
John Michael Ward Bingham, Lord Clanmorris
Kenneth Ducane (also called Vandoran), chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, in England:

The Double Agent (1966)
Runner-up 1966 Gold Dagger Award

Vulture in the Sun (1971)

God’s Defector (1976)
APA: Ministry of Death (1977)

John “Badger” Brock, a police superintendent in Melford, England:

Brock (1981)

Brock and the Defector1 (1982)


My Name Is Michael Sibley (1952)

Five Roundabouts to Heaven (1953)
APA: The Tender Poisoner (1953)

The Third Skin (1954)
APA: Murder Is a Witch (1957)

The Paton Street Case (1955)
APA: Inspector Morgan’s Dilemma (1956)

Murder off the Record (1957)
APA: Marion (1958)

Murder Plan Six (1958)

Night’s Black Agent (1961)

A Case of Libel (1963)

A Fragment of Fear (1965)
Finalist 1965 Gold Dagger Award

I Love, I Kill (1968)
APA: Good Old Charlie (1969)
Finalist 1968 Gold Dagger Award

The Marriage Bureau Murders (1977)

Deadly Picnic (1980)

True crime:

Hunting Down of Peter Manuel (1973)


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