Barbara Cleverly
Commander Joe Sandilands, a Scotland Yard detective assigned to post-WWI India:

The Last Kashmiri Rose (2001)

Ragtime in Simla (2002)

The Damascened Blade (2003)
2004 Historical Dagger Award

The Palace Tiger (2004)
Finalist 2005 Historical Dagger Award

The Bee’s Kiss (2005)
Finalist 2007 Macavity Award for Best Historical Novel

Tug of War (2006)

Folly du Jour (2007)

Strange Images of Death (2010)

The Blood Royal (2011)

Not My Blood (2012)

A Spider in the Cup (2013)

Enter Pale Death (2014)

Diana’s Altar (2016)

Leatitia Talbot, an archeologist based in post-WWI France:

The Tomb of Zeus (2007)

Bright Hair About the Bone (2008)

A Darker God (2010)

John Redfyre, a college-educated WWI veteran, and a newly hired detective inspector, in 1920s Cambridge, England:

Fall of Angels (2018)

Invitation To Die (2019)


An Old Magic (2003)

The Ellie Hardwick Mysteries (2012) [SS]

The Cambridge Mysteries (2013) [SS]
APA: The New Cambridge Mysteries (2015) [with 2 additional SS]

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