Joe Ryker, a NYPD homicide detective in
New York City1:
The Sniper2 (1974)
The Hammer of God2 (1974)
The Agent of Death (1975)
1. Additional Ryker books were written by
Edson T. Hamill, which is suspected to be a pseudonym: The
Child Killer (1975), Motive for Murder (1975), The
Sadist (1975), and The Slasher (1976).
“The Ryker series is a bibliographer's nightmare” See Johnny
LaRue’s Crane Shot: Shoot To Kill
2. Revised and updated in 1989, written as Jack Cannon
Joe Keller, a NYPD homicide detective
in New York City3:
The Smack Man (1975)
The Cannibal (1975)
The Night of the Phoenix (1975)
3. Revised and updated in 1989-91, written
as Jack Cannon, with Joe Ryker instead of Joe Keller.