Gerrie Ferris Finger
Laura Kate O'Connell, a former reporter, now owner of the Live Oaks Plantation in South Georgia, in the romantic suspense Laura Kate Plantation series:

When Serpents Die1 (2009)

Honored Daughters (2009)

Wagon Dogs (2010)

Moriah Dru, a former cop running Child Trace, Inc., and her lover police lieutenant Richard Lake, in Atlanta, Georgia:

The End Game (2010)

The Last Temptation (2012)

The Devil Laughed (2013)

Murmurs of Insanity (2014)

Running with Wild Blood (2015)

American Nights (2016)

Wolf’s Clothing (2018)

Colors of Blood (2019)

No Stranger to Murder (2020)

The Ghost Ship time travel romantic suspense series:

The Ghost Ship (2011)

A Glorious Curse (2013) [ebook]


Look Away from Evil (2000)

Whispering (2011)

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