David Goodis

Retreat from Oblivion (1939)

Dark Passage1 (1946)

Nightfall1 (1947)
APA: The Dark Chase (1953)
APA: Convicted (1954)

Behold This Woman (1947)

Of Missing Persons (1950)

Cassidy’s Girl (1951)

Of Tender Sin (1952)

Street of the Lost (1952)

The Burglar1 (1953)

The Moon in the Gutter1 (1953)

Black Friday2 (1954)

The Blonde on the Street Corner (1954)

Street of No Return1 (1954)

The Wounded and the Slain (1955)

Down There3 (1956)
APA: Shoot the Piano Player (1962)

Fire in the Flesh (1957)

Night Squad (1961)

Somebody’s Done For (1967)

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