The Road through the Wall1 (1948)
APA: The Other Side of the Street (1956)
The Lottery; or, The Adventures of James Harris (1949) [SS]
Hangsaman1 (1951)
The Bird’s Nest1 (1954)
APA: Lizzie (1957)
The Sundial1 (1958)
The Haunting of Hill House (1959)
APA: The Haunting (1999) [movie tie-in] |
We Have Always Lived in the Castle (1962)
The Magic of Shirley Jackson (1966) [SS &
Come Along with Me: Part of a Novel, Sixteen Stories, and Three
Lectures (1968) [SS]
The Lottery and Other Stories (1991) [SS]
Just an Ordinary Day: The Uncollected Stories of Shirley Jackson (1996)
[SS some criminous]
Masterpieces of Shirley Jackson (1996) [SS]
Shirley Jackson Collected Short Stories (2001) [SS] |