Lars Kepler
Alexander Ahndoril [1967-] & Alexandra Coelho Ahndoril [1966-]
Joona Linna, a detective inspector in Stockholm, Sweden, in the Killer Instinct series:

Hypnotisören (2009)
The Hypnotist [2011]  [trans. Ann Long] 
The Hypnotist [2018] [trans. Neil Smith]

Paganinikontraktet (2010)
The Nightmare [2012] [trans. Ann Long]
The Nightmare [2018] [trans. Neil Smith]

Eldvittnet (2011)
The Fire Witness [2013] [trans. Laura A. Wideburg]
The Fire Witness [2018] [trans. Neil Smith]

Sandmannen (2012)
The Sandman [2014]

Stalker (2014)
Stalker (2016)

Kaninjägaren (2016)
The Rabbit Hunter [2018]

Lazarus (2018)
Lazarus [2020]

Spegelmannen (2020)
The Mirror Man [2022]

Spindeln (2022)
The Spider [due July 25, 2023]


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