Ed Lynskey
Frank Johnson, a private investigator in Virginia and then West Virginia:

Out of Town a Few Days (2004) [SS]

The Dirt-Brown Derby (2006)

The Blue Cheer (2007)

Pelham Fell Here (2008) [prequel]

Troglodytes (2010)

The Zinc Zoo (2011)

After the Big Noise (2014) [ebook]

Alma and Isabel Trumbo, elderly sisters in Quiet Anchorage, Virginia:

Quiet Anchorage (2011)

The Cashmere Shroud (2013)

The Ladybug Song (2014)

The Amber Top Hat (2015)

Sweet Betsy (2015)

Murder in a One-Hearse Town (2016)

Vi’s Ring (2017)

Heirloom (2017)


A Clear Path To Cross (2008) [SS]

Lake Charles (2011)

Ask the Dice (2011) [ebook]

Blood Diamonds (2012) [ebook]

Smoking on Mount Rushmore (2013) [SS ebook]

Topaz Moon (2013) [ebook]

Other fiction:

The Quetzal Motel (2012)


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