Fern Michaels
Mary Ruth Kuczkir
Seven vigilante women operating out of Myra Rutledge’s estate in northern Virginia, in the Revenge of the Sisterhood series:

Weekend Warriors (2001)

Payback (2004)

Vendetta (2004)

The Jury (2005)

Sweet Revenge (2006)

Lethal Justice (2006)

Free Fall (2006)

Hide and Seek (2007)

Hokus Pokus (2007)

Fast Track (2008)

Collateral Damage (2008)

Final Justice (2008)

Under the Radar (2009)

Razor Sharp (2009)

Vanishing Act (2009)

Deadly Deals (2009)

Game Over (2010)

Cross Roads (2010)

Déjà Vu (2010)

Home Free (2011)

Gotcha! (2013)

Blindsided (2013)

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