Nele Neuhaus
Cornelia Neuhaus
Oliver von Bodenstein, Kriminalhauptkommissar (chief superintendant), and his colleague Pia Kirchhoff, a police detective, in the Tanus mountain region of Germany:

Eine unbeliebte Frau (2006, revised ed. 2009) [An Unpopular Woman]

Mordsfreunde (2007, revised ed. 2009) [Murder Friends]

Tiefe Wunden (2009) [Deep Wounds]
The Ice Queen [2015]

Schneewittchen muss sterben (2010)
Snow White Must Die [2013] [review]
Finalist 2014 Thriller Award for Best Paperback

Wer Wind sät (2011) [Those Who Sow the Wind]

Böser Wolf (2012)
Bad Wolf [2014]
APA: Big Bad Wolf [2014]

Die Lebenden und die Toten (2014) [The Living and the Dead]
I Am Your Judge [2016]


Unter Haien (2005)
Swimming with Sharks [2013]



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