Barrie Roberts
Sherlock Holmes pastiches:

Sherlock Holmes and the Railway Maniac (1994)

Sherlock Holmes and the Devil’s Grail (1995)

Sherlock Holmes and the Man from Hell (1997)

Sherlock Holmes and the Royal Flush (1998)

Sherlock Holmes and the Harvest of Death (1999)

Sherlock Holmes and the Crosby Murder (2001)

Sherlock Holmes and the Rule of Nine (2003)

Sherlock Holmes and King’s Governess (2005)

Sherlock Holmes and the American Angels (2007)

Chris Tyroll, an off-beat anarchist lawyer who will defend anyone, in the West Midlands of England:

The Victory Snapshot (1997)

Robbery with Malice (1999)

Bad Penny Blues (2000)

Crowner and Justice (2002)

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