Lawrence Sanders
Edward X. “Iron Balls” Delaney, a retired chief of detectives, in New York City:

The Anderson Tapes (1969)
1971 Edgar Award for Best First Novel

The First Deadly Sin (1973)

The Second Deadly Sin (1977)

The Third Deadly Sin (1981)

The Fourth Deadly Sin (1985)

Peter Tangent, troubleshooter for an American oil company in Africa:

The Tangent Objective (1976)

The Tangent Factor (1978)

Timothy Cone, a Wall Street financial detective in New York City:

The Timothy Files (1987) [SS]

Timothy’s Game (1988) [SS]

Archy McNally1, a playboy private eye in Palm Beach, Florida:

McNally’s Secret (1992)

McNally’s Luck (1992)

McNally’s Risk (1993)

McNally’s Caper (1994)

McNally’s Trial (1995)

McNally’s Puzzle (1996)

McNally’s Gamble (1997)


Love Songs (1972)

The Tomorrow File (1975)

The Marlow Chronicles (1977)

The Dream Lover2 (1978)

The Sixth Commandment (1978)

Dark Summer2 (1979)

Caper3 (1980)

The Tenth Commandment (1980)

The Case of Lucy Bending (1982)

The Seduction of Peter S. (1983)

The Passion of Molly T. (1984)

The Eighth Commandment (1986)

Tales of the Wolf (1986) [SS]

The Loves of Harry Dancer (1986)
APA: The Loves of Harry D.

Capital Crimes (1989)

Stolen Blessings (1989)

Sullivan’s Sting (1990)

The Seventh Commandment (1991)

Private Pleasures (1994)

Guilty Pleasures (1998)


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