Bernhard Schlink
Gerhard Self, a former public prosecutor during the Nazi era, now a private investigator in his late 60s, in 1980s Mannheim, in the newly unified Germany:

Selbs Justiz (1987)
Self’s Punishment [2004]
[with Walter Popp]

Selbs Betrug (1992)
Self’s Deception [2007]

Selbs Mord (2001)
Self’s Murder [2009]


Die gordische Schleife (1988)
The Gordian Knot [2010]

Der Vorleser (1995)
The Reader [1997]

Die Heimkehr (2006)
Homecoming [2008]

Die Frau auf der Treppe (2014)
The Woman on the Stairs [2017]

Other fiction:

Liebesfluchten (2000)
Flights of Love [2001] [SS]

Das Wochenende (2008)
The Weekend [2010]

Sommerlügen: Geschichten (2010)
Summer Lies [2012] [SS]

Olga (2018)
Olga [2020]


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