Andrew Taylor
Andrew John Robert Taylor
William Dougal, a post-grad student and security firm employee, in England:

Caroline Minuscule (1982)
1982 New Blood Dagger Award
Finalist 1984 Edgar Award for Best First Novel

Waiting for the End of the World (1984)

Our Fathers’ Lies (1985)
Finalist 1985 Gold Dagger Award

An Old School Tie (1986)

Freelance Death (1987)

Blood Relation (1990)

The Sleeping Policeman (1992)

Odd Man Out (1993)

An ensemble cast, including Richard Thornhill, a detective inspector, and Jill Francis, a journalist, in Lydmouth, England, in the 1950s, in the Lydmouth series:

An Air That Kills (1994)

The Mortal Sickness (1995)

The Lover of the Grave (1997)

The Suffocating Night (1998)

Where Roses Fade (2000)

Death’s Own Door (2001)

Call the Dying (2004)

Naked to the Hangman (2006)

The Roth Trilogy traces the psychological development of a serial killer:

The Four Last Things (1997)

The Judgment of Strangers (1998)

The Office of the Dead (2000)
2001 Historical Dagger Award

Requiem for an Angel (2002) [omnibus of the Roth Trilogy]

The Blaines Trilogy, where the private lives of the spies and their families are more important than their public actions:

The Second Midnight (1987)

Blacklist (1988)

Toyshop (1990)

Edward Savill, an employee of the British government’s American department, beginning in 1778 New York:

The Scent of Death (2013)
2013 Historical Dagger Award

The Silent Boy (2014)
Finalist 2015 Historical Dagger Award

James Marwood, son of a traitor and a government informer under Charles I, and Cat Lovett, the daughter of a despised regicide, in 1660s London, England, in the Ashes of London series:

Ashes of London (2016)

The Fire Court (2018)


The Raven on the Water (1991)

The Barred Window (1993)

An Unpardonable Crime (2004)
APA: The American Boy
2003 Historical Dagger Award
Finalist 2004 Barry Award for Best British Crime Novel

A Stain on the Silence (2006)

Bleeding Heart Square (2008)
Finalist 2009 Barry Award for Best British Crime
Finalist 2008 Historical Dagger Award

The Anatomy of Ghosts (2010) [review]
Finalist 2010 Historical Dagger Award

The Scent of Death (2013)
2013 Historical Dagger Award

Fireside Gothic (2016) [3 novellas]

Written as Andrew Saville
Jim Bergerac, a detective sergeant in the Bureau des Etrangers, on the island of Jersey in the English Channel, in these novelization of the BBC TV series:

Bergerac: Crimes of the Season (1985) [SS]
APA: Bergerac Is Back (1985)

Bergerac and the Moving Fever (1988)

Bergerac and the Jersey Rose (1988)

Bergerac and the Traitor’s Child (1988)

Bergerac and the Fatal Weakness (1988)

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