Lawrence Treat
Lawrence Arthur Goldstone
Carl Wayward, a professor of psychology, based in New York:

B as in Banshee (1940)
APA: Wail for the Corpses (1943)

D as in Dead (1941)

H as in Hangman (1942)

O as in Omen (1943)

Commander Bill Decker, Mitch Taylor, a veteran police officer, and his sidekick Jub Freeman1, police detectives in New York City:

V as in Victim2 (1945)

H as in Hunted (1946)

Q as in Quicksand2 (1947)
APA: Step into Quicksand (1959)

T as in Trapped2 (1947)

F as in Flight3 (1948)

Over the Edge3 (1948)

Big Shot2, 3 (1951)

Weep for a Wanton2 (1956)

Lady, Drop Dead2 (1960)


Run Far, Run Fast4 (1937)

The Leather Man (1944)

Trial and Terror (1949)

Venus Unarmed (1961)

P as in Police: 16 Procedural Short Stories (1970) [SS]

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