M.J. Trow
Meirion James Trow
Sholto Joseph Lestrade, a Scotland Yard inspector in 19th century London, England:

The Adventures of Inspector Lestrade (1985)
APA: The Supreme Adventure of Inspector Lestrade (1985)

Brigade: The Further Adventures of Lestrade (1986)

Lestrade and the Hallowed House (1987)

Lestrade and the Leviathan (1987)

Lestrade and the Brother of Death (1988)

Lestrade and the Ripper (1988)

Lestrade and the Guardian Angel (1990)
Finalist 1990 Last Laugh Dagger Award

Lestrade and the Deadly Game (1990)

Lestrade and the Gift of the Prince (1991)

Lestrade and the Magpie (1991)

Lestrade and the Dead Man’s Hand (1992)

Lestrade and the Sign of Nine (1992)

Lestrade and the Sawdust Ring (1993)

Lestrade and the Mirror of Murder (1993)

Lestrade and the Kiss of Horus (1995)

Lestrade and the Devil’s Own (1996)

Lestrade and the Giant Rat of Sumatra (2014)

Peter Maxwell, a widowed teacher and golden-hearted cynic, in England:

Maxwell’s House (1994)

Maxwell’s Flame (1995)
Finalist 1995 Last Laugh Dagger Award

Maxwell’s Movie (1998)

Maxwell’s War (1999)

Maxwell’s Ride (2000)

Maxwell’s Curse (2000)

Maxwell’s Reunion (2001)

Maxwell’s Match (2002)

Maxwell’s Inspection (2003)

Maxwell’s Grave (2004)

Maxwell’s Mask (2005)

Maxwell’s Point (2007)

Maxwell’s Chain (2008)

Maxwell’s Revenge (2009)

Maxwell’s Retirement (2010)

Maxwell’s Island (2011)

Maxwell’s Crossing (2012)

Maxwell’s Return (2014)

Kit (Christopher) Marlowe, the Elizabethan playwright in his youth, beginning in 1583 Cambridge, England:

Dark Entry (2011)

Silent Court (2012)

Witch Hammer (2012)

Scorpions’ Nest (2013)

Crimson Rose (2013)

Traitor’s Storm (2014)

Secret World (2015)

Eleventh Hour (2017)

Queen’s Progress (2018)

Black Death (2019)

The Reckoning (2020)

Captain Matthew Grand, a Union cavalry officer, and James Batchelor, a London journalist, in the 1860s, in the Grand & Batchelor Victorian mysteries:

The Blue and the Grey (2015)

The Circle (2016)

The Angel (2016)

The Island (2018)

The Ring (2019)

The Black Hills (2020)

Last Nocturne (2021)

Justinus, Paternus, Leocadius, and Vitalis, Roman soldiers at Hadrian's Wall in 367 Britain, in the Britannia historical thriller series [written with Richard Denham]:

Britannia: Part 1, The Wall (2014)

Geoffrey Chaucer, Comptroller of the King’s Woollens and court poet, beginning in 1380 England:

A Knight’s Tale (2021)

The Yeoman’s Tale (2022)

Margaret Murray, the real-life British archeologist, beginning in 1900 London, England:

Four Thousand Days (2022)

Breaking the Circle (2023)

Non-fiction and true crime:

Let Him Have It, Chris (1990)

The Wigwam Murder (1994)

The Many Faces of Jack the Ripper (1997)

Hess: The British Conspiracy (1999)
[written with John Harris]

Who Killed Kit Marlowe?: A Contract to Murder in Elizabethan England (2001)

Vlad the Impaler: In Search of the Real Dracula (2003)

War Crimes: Underworld Britain in the Second World War (2008)

Foul Deeds and Suspicious Deaths in the Isle of Wight (2009)

Jack the Ripper: Quest for a Killer (2009)

Enemies of the State: The Cato Street Conspiracy (2010)

The Thames Torso Murders (2011)

Murder by Mistake (2012) [ebook]

Ripper Hunter: Abberline and the Whitechapel Murders (2012)

The Last Gentleman of the SAS (2014) [written with John Randall]

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